The Netherlands can be an inspiration for Slovakia, agreed participants of the Smart City Academy

Amsterdam – križovatka, na ktorej odstránili semafóry a zvýšili tým bezpečnosť chodcov a cyklistov
Amsterdam – križovatka, na ktorej odstránili semafóry a zvýšili tým bezpečnosť chodcov a cyklistov

The Netherlands was visited by the first this year’s Smart City Academy with representatives of Slovak municipalities to get some experience and inspiration. Currently, the Netherlands can be proud to be one of the most densely populated countries not only in Europe but worldwide. Everything despite the fact that one third of the country actually did not exist just a few centuries ago. Also this is the reason why they need to plan precisely and take care of sustainable development of towns in the Netherlands. With their experience in various fields, the Netherlands has become one of the most modern and most rapidly progressing countries in Europe. Thus, it is a great inspiration also for Slovak municipalities. It may offer both positive and negative experience that should be avoided in the implementation of innovations in Slovak towns and villages to reach an effective result. However, a solution that works in one place cannot be copied and used elsewhere. They should rather serve as an inspiration or a guide on how to proceed, but if it should not be in vain, it is necessary to adapt it to Slovak conditions.

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